Saturday, May 10, 2008

More on how much we don't know

I've disabled comments, which I said I'd do a while ago (April 15), so that people don't work themselves into a frenzy on this blog. You're welcome to work yourself into a frenzy elsewhere.

Yes, we've accepted a very small handful of people from the waiting list. Yes, we may be accepting a few more. We don't know how many more. We don't know when--maybe as late as June or July. We've heard that a number of other schools are going to their waiting list in a big way, and are anticipating that they might be taking a lot of our committed students. We will communicate with everyone on the waiting list in the next few weeks about their status, which may either be "keep waiting, we may need you over the summer," or "stop waiting, we don't think we need you." There won't be a mass "stop waiting, you're in" at this point.

So, I'd advise you to enjoy the beautiful weather and leave the phone alone.

Well, here is one thing you can do. There is no way we are taking anyone from the waiting list who has applied for financial aid and does not have a complete financial aid application on file. So call the financial aid office at 773-702-8655 if you don't already know that you're complete and ask what more they need.

If you did apply for financial aid, we will still grant it in the same manner as if you'd been admitted earlier. We will give you a few days to get your aid offer, review it, and get back to us about whether it's feasible.