Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A note about TOEFL scores

Not very interesting, but I thought I'd address some of the panic.

TOEFL scores can only be sent to one office in a university, and that office isn't this one. So, when you send your TOEFL scores, they go to the Office of International Affairs, and the OIA sends them to us in a big spreadsheet at certain times throughout the year. Your scores may be sitting at the OIA -- you'll have to be patient while we wait to receive them from over there. After we receive them, we also have to enter them.

And remember, all international students see the TOEFL credential on their credentials site, regardless if the TOEFL is required for them.

No international students see SATs, regardless if they've sent them. If you want to make sure we've received your SATs, you should email me at questions@phoenix.uchicago.edu