Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Regular Notification Haven: FAQs

This post is meant to be a safe space for regular notification applicants to ask their questions -- I have not been able to read all the comments on the posts, and I don't want RN voices to get drowned out.

So, here are some FAQs that have been popping up for the last few days, and an invitation for RN applicants to ask your questions. EA applicants, stay out!

Filling out the application

If you having trouble viewing your information after you've submitted it, make sure cookies and Javascript are enabled on your browser. That usually means lower your security settings.

Make sure to actually submit the application after paying the application fee. Hundreds of students during the EA cycle closed their browser after paying the fee, but before actually clicking "Submit." Don't be like them!

You pay the application fee right at the end -- after you have filled out all the required fields. You are given an option to pay by credit card, check, or fee waiver. Some students will automatically qualify for a fee waiver, such as Chicago Public Schools students, children of alumni, and students in our Small School Talent Search. If we offer you an automatic fee waiver, do not put up a fight! Just take it!

There is no word limit for essays. Here is what I said for early action:
Remember that there is no word limit on the essays. There is a suggested length. But if you ask us what the word limit is, we will not be able to tell you, because we don't know. Or we may make something up. Actually, I've just decided that the word limit is u73i words. I obviously just closed my eyes and typed something in, or u is an imaginary number I didn't hear about in the Core.
Follow directions.

If the online application confuses you, you should check out the application tour, or send an email to me at, or post a question in the comments.

Recommendations and other forms

We were getting a lot of questions about who can write your two required recommendations, so here is what I said to the EA folks:
3A (English/social studies)

Okay: English, social studies, history, government, economics, art history, music theory, foreign literature, anthropology, psychology
Not okay: music performance, studio art, foreign language, speech and debate, journalism, business, marketing

3B (Math/science)

Okay: math, science with a lab, statistics, science without a lab, computer science
Not okay: psychology

In every case, these letters should be written by a teacher who taught you in that subject during high school, not in a college or university (unless you are home schooled and that is the only context in which you took that class).

And yes, both recommendations are a requirement! All other kinds of teachers should send in a recommendation with a Form 3C.


All testing must be completed by the deadline, which means that all test dates have passed. If you are planning on taking the SAT again in January, we will eventually see those scores, but we cannot guarantee that we will see them before we make a final decision.

Do not rush your scores. You must send official score reports from the testing agency, so you might as well send them now.

We require either the SAT or the ACT, and no SAT IIs. For international student, we also require the TOEFL or IELTS. We only require the SAT or ACT if they are offered in your country, so we do not require that mainland Chinese applicants take the SAT or ACT.

Further questions

Post to the comments, or email