Wednesday, March 05, 2008

new faces!

Hey guys,

We're zach and eliza. I'm eliza, writing. We're first years. We work here at the Office of Admissions mostly opening mail, and sometimes completing other odd tasks. We were granted blog privileges a while ago but have been too skittish to post on here yet, which is odd and dumb on our parts; we revered this blog when we were EA applicants last November while eagerly awaiting decisions.

So I'm writing to ask you guys not the catch-all "Do you have any questions for us?!!?!!" because I know when I hear that, all nascent questions immediately get terrified out of existence. So instead I pose this: what do you want to read about? What do you want to see pictures of? What still confuses you/intrigues you about living in the intermediary bubble between the sheltered (high school) life and real life? Do you want to know about our daily lives or is that boring? We're all ears. Or eyes, really.

What zach and I have been talking a lot about today is SPRING QUARTER and its imminence. Winter quarter is almost's ninth week, and tenth week we only have three days of class, and then reading period (when we're supposed to be studying for finals, which are week 11). And if you're lucky like me, you only have one final during finals week (note that zach has 3 finals and 1 paper...he's the unlucky sort), so basically...the best week ever. And then Spring Break! I'm going to Spain; zach is goin' home to Rockton, IL. Free at last! And then we come back, rejuvenated and salacious for our delicious courses awaiting us: succulently ripe and ready to be digested.

So yeah. Tell us what you want. What you really really want.

-eliza and zach.