I submitted my UChicago application online 10 minutes ago. Please consider it under "Papeete, Tahiti, France" time zone (currently Nov 1st 10:48 PM).
Vikram M. (Dublin, OH)
In my current time zone in Florida, I submitted my application at 4:30 AM November 2nd. I am choosing, however, to send it from the time zone of Honolulu where it was 10:30 PM on November 1st and within the deadline. Thank you very much for your continued understanding throughout this process.
Anna T. (Pompano Beach, FL)
Hi Libby!
I was looking forward to sending my application from the famed underwater post office in Vanuatu, but when I hopped on a plane to the world's happiest place, I realized that I would have a few difficulties with this scheme because a) after a summer of disuse, I have no French skills left to speak of, b) my application isn't waterproof, and c) most importantly, Vanuatu is at GMT+11, not GMT-11. And I do not want to incur the wrath of the admissions gods by going backwards in time.
So, now I'm in Hawaii and hopped up on jet lag and sleep deprivation and Nyquil and cough drops and I'm flailing and everyone's scared of me and running away and even my application is trying to escape so that's why you're getting it now.
Thanks for your understanding.
Yibo S. (Mason, OH)
While I admit it was somewhat irresponsible to travel all the way to Baker Island when my online application deadline was looming so threateningly on the horizon, I couldn't resist the opportunity for such a pleasant getaway. It is currently 11:20 PM here, and I'm sure I'm not alone when I say thank god for wireless internet!
-Alina Y. (Marietta, GA)
I was... on... a... bone digging-up trip... in Middle-earth (GMT/UTC - 12:00 hour).
Alexander S. (Lindenhurst, IL)
I'm just emailing to confirm that my UC application was sent last night at 12:54 am central time, which means that it was sent six minutes earlier than the due date in El Paso, Texas. I'm glad to have finally found a reason to appreciate Texas, and hope that the school has received all of my paperwork by now.
Kelsey G. (Carol Stream, IL)
Sorry for turning in the application late, I guess I don't have any legitimate excuses, but it is still Nov. 1st somewhere. So, if you don't track down my IP address to Chicago's suburbia, I am hoping you will take my word and trust me that I am writing from Alofi, in the country of Niue, where it is currently 10:03 pm on the first of November.
-Matthew C. (East Dundee, IL)
Wow, you must've gone through a lot of coffees by now.
It's 12:30 in Pago Pago, so I'm applying under Pago Pago's time zone!
Take care,
Bonnie D. (Potomac, MD)
Please excuse my missing the midnight deadline of my home address time zone. However, currently I am on Baker Island hosting an oompa loompa volleyball tournament. They play the Keebler Elves today, who are coming off a dominating victory over the Village People. Also, I am conducting a speech on fire drill safety and procedure. A congo line proves most effective in evacuating and moving a large number of people quickly. Attached, please find pictures of my adventures. Feel free to request more. I'm the fellow in the Willy Wonka suit. The oompas wouldn't have it any other way. Isn't WiFi just amazing, all the way from Baker Island?
P.S. Seems as if all of Collegeboard's staff, especially those who's responsibilities involve sending SAT and AP scores, are on Baker Island with me. They seem to have enjoyed the Keebler Elves' victory a bit too much and do not look like they are in any condition to work. I'll give them the day off so you can expect my SAT and AP scores shortly.
Thank you,
Nino M. (Alpine, NJ)
Although it may appear that my (Josh V.'s) early action application to the U of C was sent at around 3:10 a.m. Central time on November 2, it was actually sent at about 9:10 p.m. on November 1st using the time standards of Alofi, the capital of Niue. Just in case you were confused.
Josh V. (Germantown, TN)
I am emailing you to inform you that I will be applying under Alaska Daylight Time. Thanks so much!
-Megan K. (Laguna Niguel, CA)
My name is Cesar L., I have just submitted my application but would like to let you know that I am submitting under Pacific Daylight Time. Thank you and I hope you have a good night.
Cesar L. (El Paso, TX)
I was having a cow because three different email accounts wouldn't work, and a fourth one I tried creating wouldn't load either.
This is Anne Y. from Louisville Ky, sending in a late early application. I was going to say I'm sending it from Honolulu's time zone because I want to be on the beach, but right now, I'm just to relieved that one email account (this is actually my mothers) worked.
Anne Y. (Louisville, KY)
Um, Libby?
I'm a little worried. I emailed you earlier to let you know I was applying early with my deadline time based on California time (-8 hours time zone). Right now, when I finished my early application, it said "Your Application for Admission was successfully submitted online at 1:43 AM on 11/2/2007." The time on that notification is worrying me a little.. Also, when I log in, it says I submitted my form on November 2nd. But right now, it still is November first somewhere on the globe, so I'm alright, aren't I? That's what a part of the website said earlier.
Anyway, I hope everything runs smoothly. Thanks,
Fahim Z. (Lombard, IL)
A strange thing happened to me when I was spell-checking my essays for the University of Chicago EARLY ACTION application. My clock fast forward three hours! Isn't that creepy? Perhaps I watched too many episodes of Supernatural, but I'm feeling that the demons are out to get me. Please allow my application to be submitted under the Pacific time zone. Thank you very much.
UChicago Class of '12 Hopeful,
Chao X. (Rockville, MD)
I am applying from the "Gambier Islands" in France GAMT.
Lakshmi S. (River Forest, IL)
I am submitting my application in the time of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, which, I believe, is in the CST zone.
Thank you so much,
Rachael L. (West Bloomfield, MI)
So, this crazy fiasco just happened in my living room. Elephants came charging into my living room. Mine. Elephants. I don't know where or why they came here, but they were chanting something about the University of Chicago. I don't know if these are new scare tactics for your college recruiting purposes, but its... probably something that isn't going to go over very well with homeowners. Anyway, I booked it to the Galapagos Islands, from which I will be sending my application.
Jessica T. (Monroe, MI [[before the elephants so rudely barged in]])
Great job, guys! With your excuse-making skills, you'll go far in life.
I just wanted to clear up a question that all of us have gotten this morning -- the fact that your application says it was submitted on November 2. Well, let's not forget that technically it was. Computers cannot bend time and space the way lenient admissions offices can. But you don't need to worry about it.
Another thing you shouldn't be worried about yet -- your credentials. That is for us to worry about. Right now we have a 10-foot pile of credentials that has grown arms and legs and is walking around the mail room. While we work on opening all of the mail and scanning and linking your documents, we won't really know how to answer the question "Do you have what I sent?" The answer is generally, "we don't know." We don't want to say "no" when your 3A recommendation could very well be under our left elbow.
When we are confident that we have opened and scanned most of what is in the office, we will open the credentials checking link on the online application, and you will be able to see what we have received. If you are missing something, you will have time to send it again or harass your teachers. We will also email all students whose applications are missing required documents in enough time for them to resubmit whatever we are missing.