Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Mail and mail and mail and mail

Rumor has it we received 27 bins of mail yesterday. 27! I almost fainted when I heard the rumor. Needless to say, we are incredibly busy opening, sorting, and processing all your mail. At this point it is WAY too early to call or office or contact your admissions counselor to ask if we've received all of your stuff. I haven't seen Libby in a few days; I think she might be buried under the mail.

We really do appreciate your patience as we prepare to read early action applications - we're very excited to learn about you. Yes, you.

I read some of the comments on the last post, and someone indicated that they would love to see us use more pictures. As we start to read, we'll use the blog less and less to give you instructions and more and more to give you information. So, in an example of what my more tech-savvy friends might call "user-created content," or something, tell us in the comments of this post what you'd like to see on campus. Dorms? Dining Halls? My office? The gym? Let us know.

In other attractions, I was at the Museum of Contemporary Art last night and I saw a great show about the relationship between rock music and contemporary art. Details are here: http://www.mcachicago.org/exhibitions/exh_detail.php?id=56. Check it out next time you're in town. Worried about it costing too much? The Frugal Traveler, one of my favorites in the Times, visits Chicago: http://travel.nytimes.com/2007/11/04/travel/04frugal.html?ref=travel