Friday, November 16, 2007

Credentials - what will be listed

Students will see listed all of the required parts of the application. If the item has been received, it will be followed by the date when we processed it. If it has not been received, there will be a red "Not received" note. Very ominous. If you see any "Not received" notes, it means your application is not yet complete. If you see none, your application is complete.

Here is what we consider to be required for domestic students (the international list does not include test scores and some other things, though most international applicants are able to send standardized test scores):
  1. Form 1: Application for Admission
  2. Writing: Question 1
  3. Writing: Question 2
  4. Writing: Extended Essay
  5. $60 Application Fee Paid or Waived
  6. HS Transcript
  7. Form 3A: Teacher Recommendation English/Social Studies
  8. Form 3B: Teacher Recommendation Science/Mathematics
  9. Official SAT or ACT Test Scores (if we received more than one set, this may be listed more than once)
  10. Form 2: Secondary School Report
You may also see this:
  • Other/Additional Application Supplement
  • Additional Recommendation 3C
So, we WILL be listing additional recommendations and supplements on the credentials checker. Of course, these are the last things we process, since our priority right now is to make applications complete and ready to be read.

We will not list on campus or alumni interviews, but if you had one, it will be written up. Rest assured.

Credentials checking is updated nightly to reflect what's in our Database of All Teenagers. We will be taking it down as we get ready to send decisions, so it will be down from mid-December to mid-January.

Lastly, don't resend anything! Unless, of course, you are sure it was not sent in the first place.

Update on the TOEFL

All international applicants, because of their citizenship status, will see the TOEFL listed on their credentials. We accept the TOEFL or IELTS for proof of English proficiency, and if you want to know about our required scores, you can go to the admissions website.

For students who have lived in the US or been educated in English for two or more years, your TOEFL or IELTS requirement is waived. However, this fact will not show up on the credentials site. We will not mark your TOEFL as having been received because we will never receive it, but you should rest assured that this is not a required document for you.