Thursday, November 15, 2007

OMG, You don't have my stuff!!!!

Hi. Many of you have noticed that credentials checking has opened. Many of you have also panicked about said credentials checking feature. A few posts back, Libby mentioned that the process for all of you seems something like:
1. Mail stuff in.
2. Get decision.

For us, the process looks like:
1. Get tons of mail.
2. Open tons of mail.
3. Remove tons of staples that are affixed to the prominently featured "do not staple" corner of the application.
4. Sort mail.
5. Scan mail.
6. Proof scanned mail.
7. Create files.
8. Read files.
9. Read more files; lose personal life...

And so forth, until you get your decisions. Credentials work similarly. The credentials checking feature of the website lists items that we have both received and processed. That means it came in the mail, it was opened, it was sorted, it was added to your file, it was recorded as having been added to your file. Because of the volume of mail we receive, it often takes a very long time for us to process all of your application materials.

At this time, DO NOT re-send ANY portion of your application. We will contact you at some point in the near future if we need you to resubmit any portion of your application. Resubmission of application materials actually delays the processing of ALL application materials. So if you resend stuff, your friends will shun you, because that means it will take us longer to get to their applications. Reason enough, if you ask me. But perhaps more importantly, it delays our ability to read your file!

Additionally, as a favor to us, please DO NOT call or email our office or your admissions counselor asking if we've received certain documents or if you need to resubmit certain documents. A few of you were discussing the dramatic increase in EA applications that we've seen this year; it was mentioned in a Wall Street Journal article a few days ago. We're doing our absolute best to get through all of these files, but handling inquiries only delays that process, as well. Rest assured we are not evil and we are, in fact, doing our best to make sure the process works smoothly for you and for us.

In other news, Project Runway, anyone? Amazing.

Also, coming soon: The Seminary Cooperative Bookstore, in pictures...