Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Fun with Flickr

Since my eyes have already fallen out due to reading too much, I'm trying to set up a Flickr thing so that we can get some random photos of the campus and community on this blog for your viewing pleasure. Also, I thought it would be fun if you guys could post any pictures you take of the campus when you visit (or any dioramas you made with toilet paper and glue after your visit.)

You can view pictures here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/uchicago_applicants/

If you want to be invited to the group to post your pictures, email me at eap@uchicago.edu.

This is only the beginning! It's going to snow today, so we might make a Snow Committee or a Snow Class (since it's exam week and we can't take pictures of classes.)

If you know how to make a feed from the group that I can put on the sidebar, let me know.