Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Operation Snowball...

I have no idea what it means when you list it as an activity on Form 1, but here, now, it means...THE BIGGEST SNOWBALL FIGHT I'VE EVER SEEN. Outside Rosenwald where, yours truly, Admissions Officer, is toiling away in the wee hours.

[pauses to go throw snowball]

[eek, snow is cold]

And I'm back. So, to begin in the middle, it's finals week for students and whatever-the-equivalent for admissions staff. Finals month.

And during finals week, stuff happens. Stuff like midnight breakfast in Hutch Commons, or free jelly donuts and latkes in the Reg basement. Stuff like sleeping in the library. And, tonight, this white powdery stuff that came down, a lot of it, for a long time.

Bringing me, bringing 50+ sleep-starved, smarts-binged undergrads howling around the quads in various states of (in)appropriate dress (get Jon to tell you his Big Coat story), to: spontaneous, semi-organized snow revelry.

Or, as Thucydides would put it: War. But in a way longer sentence.